环境、健康 & 安全(EHS)

Our employees are the most critical asset of our organization and are the reason we are able to maintain a strong connection with our customers. In the same way these individuals use their talents and innovative thinking to foster positive outcomes with our products and relationships, they bring creativity and problem-solving skills to the table when working toward the goals of our 二十by30 程序. 我们的责任不仅是保护他们的安全, 健康和幸福在任何时候, but to always look for ways we can improve our workforce environments and enhance comfort and trust in our facilities.


Creating the right workplace environment stems from fostering awareness and training with our employees. 健康和安全要求被整合到每个过程中, 公司的程序和制度. We also work to instill the right proactive mindsets with each employee at all levels of the organization, 从高级领导到工厂专业人员.

Committing to a safe workplace environment also means aiming for zero work-related injuries. 朝着那个目标努力, 我们不断回顾, 评估和投资于改进我们的流程, 程序, 技术和培训计划. This includes supplementing our use of industry-standard indicators—such as Recordable Case Rates—with more forward-looking indicators such as employee engagement in safety, 险情调查和危险识别.

Our Total Safety Culture supports each employee and extends beyond basic requirements to achieve safety excellence. 我们授权员工练习仔细观察, maintain a positive and proactive behavior and attitude and uncover opportunities to implement stronger work practices. 我们还鼓励与同行就安全问题进行持续的讨论, 目的是为决策提供信息, 纠正不安全行为,减少事故, 受伤和险情.

Our approach to workplace health and safety includes multiple 程序s and 程序:

  • 支持每一个 皇冠的位置 透过环境, 健康与安全(EHS)组织——包括制造工厂, 公司的办公场所, 研究 & Development facilities and Centers of Excellence—in meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements and Company standards; focusing on safety training, 提高安全意识, 安全审计, 医疗保健及其他
  • Activating our SAFE (Safety Awareness For Employees) behavioral observation 程序, 导致成千上万的点对点安全观察
  • Auditing each 云顶集团糖果游戏 site to identify and correct potential environmental or safety hazards and liabilities, helping to ensure continuous improvement and tracking corrective actions through an online platform
  • Holding safety workshops for both salaried and hourly employees at every 皇冠的位置
  • 要求对每一项重要任务在每个地点进行工作危害分析, developing safe job 程序 and reviewing every new process and purchase against a safety checklist
  • Setting strict safety requirements for contractors and third- party vendors who work with 云顶集团糖果游戏
  • 实施监控承包商安全的计划, which includes training and operating guidelines for contractor safety management
  • Providing ergonomic training to reduce and eliminate musculoskeletal disorders
  • 推行意外伤害调查制度, 包括三次, that examines root causes and identifies potential short- and long-term corrective actions
  • 确保所有工厂都有紧急行动计划


Identifying and minimizing potential risks in the workplace is a particularly critical part of our commitments to maintain safety across our various plant locations. It is through a comprehensive management system that we are able to operate with confidence and reassure employees that we are prioritizing their well-being.

作为监测过程的一部分, 我们的工厂定期进行危险识别培训, which includes education on proper structure and protocol for our hierarchy of controls. The identification and correction of any noted hazards is also managed at the plant level, 通过公司健康部门报告任何危害 & 安全管理软件. 纠正措施被跟踪并在整个部门共享.

识别危险, many of our teams conduct Risk Assessments (RAs) or Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs) that cover all aspects of each operating procedure. These assessments consider all hazards identified by the team and include accompanying controls for each potential hazard. 如果发现了改进的机会, the assessment is not considered complete until new controls have been implemented. 万一发生意外, 认可机构/认可机构被视为调查过程的一部分, with the Company’s health and 安全管理软件 recording all details and overseeing case progression. 可记录事件的调查由中央H&S management and corrective actions are challenged if they are not determined to be as elevated in the hierarchy as possible. Improvements and actions are shared across all sites in quarterly reviews or with safety alerts if particularly serious.

The RA process is managed by the plant EHS Coordinator, who in some regions may hold a 国家职业安全与健康考试委员会 (NEBOSH)文凭或同等学历. This individual helps to combine competent risk assessment work with competent persons in the area to ensure all hazards and controls are suitably identified. 通过这种定期的监督, 我们的团队能够在控制中实现改进, 以及引入或改进安全工作制度.

We are aiming to facilitate more active engagement from employees to better encourage compliance. 在欧洲, 例如, 我们计划在2023年发起未遂事件和危险报告活动, 哪个会提供奖励而不是报复. We are also continuing induction and refresher EHS training in various areas, which helps employees to understand how to raise alarm and initiate an Emergency Response Team for imminent danger. Each division of the Company conducts internal audits and maintains various certifications. For example, every 云顶集团糖果游戏 beverage plant in The United States, Canada and EMEA undergoes Sedex会员道德贸易审核 (SMETA)在Sedex下进行审计, which include private interviews with random staff samples and should trigger major non-conformance if any reprisals are reported. The Company maintains positive scores for these processes across all plants where these are conducted.


与这个管理结构保持一致, 我们的组织维持一个特定的安全控制层次:
